Dear Seeker of Success,
A “sneak peek” of the “New Code” video collection – the 10 Sargy Commandments. Watch this video and then leave your comments and thoughts below.
Pay particular attention to the commandment about “theming” hot women.
This is the kind of discipline that has been building up as I have been studying speed seduction. Vital and to the point as it is summarized here. As for success with much younger women goes that has only happened to me with this disciplined non attachment. Any fantasizing or too much interest and there always seemed to be some f**k up. This New Code has a lot on younger women?
New Code has a lot of teaching on how to succeed with younger women. And a lot of other things. I believe you’ll be pleased. Over the next few days we’ll be sharing specifics………
This very good video from you, Ross. I differently liked the one about my trying to be her boy friend and not taking her bullshit..
This is but the tip of the iceberg.
Thou shall not fantasize about her; Leave the fantasizing to her. This one commandment after listening to it, I experienced a shift in perspection and remembered the times when I was successful with women and when I was learning from those other experiences,
I’m going to have to print this on fine parchment and hang them on my wall lol,
I have a question I was thinking of the 10 commandments the other day and I wanted to know what are the opposites of “Thou Shall Nots”
We flip it around inside the full New Code by showing you the better way
If you only obey 1 commandment, it would be: “THOU SHALT NOT SUPPLICATE” !
Just following that one commandment puts you ahead of 90% of the guys out there, and automatically passes the shit-test.
Another commandment should be: “THOU SHALT EXPECT AND WELCOME SHIT TESTS” because a woman will only give you one if she rates you as a contender and not someone to brush off.
@Greggy –
Good points.
Who knows, within a year we might have 20 Sargy Commandments? Have you heard of the 6 Bs (bullying, begging, buying, BS, booze, and biceps)? Not so long ago there were just 3 Bs.
I would add another ‘B’…bragging.
When I get asked how I have a scar on my arm I don’t say: “oh I got in a fire-fight with the Taleban…did I mention I was in British special forces?….etc etc etc” ad nauseum until she falls asleep…
I just say: “Afghanistan”
They ALWAYS say: “what were you doing there????”
To which I reply: “ah you know, stuff…”
It drives them mental.
You see guys do this by telling some what they earn and where they went to school in an effort to impress them. I don’t want a woman who is after money.
Let me think about this. I do have a New Code to get launched and all, plus we have a couple seminars to get promos going for, but once things eventually quiet down, I may look into this 7th B. This is good.
I’m sure it’ll rock. Happy customer since 1999.
I call it implied value, you should never brag about yourself or what you’ve got/done…but should allow her to put 2 and 2 together and discover your value for themselves–I don’t understand the chick-logic but anything they discover about you rather than you explicitly tell them seems to have a multiplied effect.
There’s logic in what you say 🙂
BTW, I used speed seduction language pattern to get 3 thugs who tried to surround me in an alley-way in Sydney.
I did a basic pattern like the discovery channel pattern except instead of joy, I had them picturing fear growing up inside them as they realised “you’re in deep trouble…like when you knew your dad was going to give you a beating…? You know that feeling of dread when you realise that you’ve bitten off way more than you can chew? You feel a terrible dark thing spreading throughout your body as you realise you’ve made a big mistake? What’s the thing that you see that lets you realise that you’re in big trouble (at the same time as I let them see my tattoo of Royal Marine bayonet)?”
I channelled Vinnie Jones in Snatch when the 3 guys pull guns on him. I just used cold, slow deep toned voice commands, and stared into their eyes…one of them said:” f–k I don’t like this in anyway” and they shirked off.
So SS saved my skin and possibly my life!
Your faithful servant,
Here’s the clip:
You and others, too.
Check this out: Speed Seduction® Saves A Life!
Also: What To Do When The Angry Boyfriend Calls YOU
So I understand the new code is gluten free with 56.889246% reduction in pattern usage.
Incorrect. 56.889247% (not 56.889246%) pattern reduction, 100% organic, and actually so gluten-free it is negative-gluten….
Uncle… Sargin’ Review process rocks… 😉 . I know it’s not a place to comment about that but it’s like i am visiting website after a very very long time.. 🙂
The Review is one of the most important parts of the Sarge.
Remember: interested in the women, INVESTED IN THE SKILLS.