Dear Seeker of Success
Revealed in a 1:56 clip from a seminar last year, watch how a penny, a nickel, and a dime can break the ice and lead to some really Sargy fun (we teach more about this in Rapid and Total Success With Women):
P.S. The real genius (and fun) of this Rapid And Total Success With Women course isn’t just the suggestive language that gets women of all ages and all walks of life hot and steaming.
The real genius is how I’ve designed it to be used so it all seems like a normal, innocent conversation, that cannot be detected by anyone watching as anything but two people simply talking!
It’s time to start having the fun you desire and deserve.
Have you ever been sarging and a guy is making fun of you to a girl to dhv-if you walked up to them what would you say to the guy and/or girl to reframe the situation and make him look like the loser and you the higher value man?
Yeah, I wonder why she heard the Jamaican line…
How about the one where two guys both have wy tattoos and one says it expands to his girlfriend Wendy’s name and the other says welcome to Jamaica mon have a nice day!
That’s a good one too!
She heard the Jamaican line from me, the day before LOL.
If you haven’t done so yet check this out:
Here’s one that didn’t work. (I thought it would be an nifty “double bind”).
“If I could show you a simple way that you could get guys like me to stop trying too talk to you when you’re just out taking care of business, would you be interested?”
She just said “No thank you” twice. lol
Imagine you’re out sarging and you see a man and woman at a table sitting together here’s he’s making fun of you to demonstrate higher value to the girl and you want to approach her?
What do you do? What do you say?
In addition, would knowing the man and the woman at the table change how you would handle some guy openly mocking you?
I would start by asking yourself, how would you handle anyone openly mocking you, in any situation?
That’s not the answer per se, but a starting point. Gaining that understanding is a preliminary step.
@Joe also look at this
As far as dealing with openly being mocked-I would return the insult and perhaps strike him in the mouth. I had a Constitutional Law Class and some things are considered to be fighting words. That sounds good in theory but out on the street you can’t get in a brawl with every prick who annoys you-that’s an expensive habit should legal and medical issues arise.
You really have to have nerves of steel to do some of this stuff.
I cover a lot of the underlying issues here in my Nail Your Inner Game curriculum.
Some asshole’s words even mattering means there’s some trigger within you taking place.
Besides, isn’t his need to lash out at you (a stranger, just a guy going about life, exercising your right to pursue happiness) a reflection on what a puny-pricked little dickwad HE is?