Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
It’s been two days since I announced my Seriously Sick Live Learning Season Pass. Several of you have already taken me up on the offer. I’ve also been getting a ton of questions about the Season Pass, so let me answer all of you now.
Question: Ross, what exactly do I get in this deal?
Answer: Watch this video (just 2:33 long) in which I explain all the features and benefits of the Season Pass:
Q: I’m already a member of the Speed Seduction® Coaching Program…
A: Friggin’ awesome – so you are already experiencing the monthly Ask Me Anything group calls, monthly office hours, monthly video seduction lessons, and access to the exclusive Members’ Only Seduction Forum. You know the value of my Seduction teaching and you want more!
When you claim your Season Pass right now, we’ll simply adjust your Coaching Program membership so that your next $97/month payment won’t be due for another year, since your Season Pass gets you a pre-paid year’s worth of membership.
Q: That’s awesome that you are offering me admission to four (4) live Speed Seduction® seminars, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to attend all 4. Should I still get the Season Pass?
A: If you can’t make it to all 4 live events you are paying for, you can gift any of your four seminars to a friend / guest / whomever, and send them in your place. You can also sell the ticket and then keep whatever money you charge for it. Even though you won’t be there, as long as you send someone, you’ll still get the raw video footage from the event, 30 days after the event concludes. Either way, you win.
Q: I already own one of your main courses (Speed Seduction® 3.0, The Original Home Study Course, Nail Your Inner Game, Frame Control / Sexual Themes, Magick/Psychic Influence). Why would I need a Season Pass?
A: The Season Pass gets you 12-months membership in the Coaching Program, where you get real answers and real support for the specific challenges and opportunities you’ll encounter as you use the teachings in my courses to master your girl-getting game.
Plus, the best way to truly master a subject is to receive continuing education that further solidifies and enhances what you gain from the pre-packaged courses. With the Live Learning Season Pass, you’re getting admission to FOUR live seminars for less than the price of one.
Q: OK Ross, I’m convinced but I have one small problem. $1,995 for everything in the Season Pass is a lot of money to put out all at once. Funds are a little tight this month. Can you help me out?
A: Even in the best of economic times (which we’re not in right now), $1,995 is a lot of money to shell out all at once. I get that.
That’s why I set it up so you can make three payments of $665 each. Your first payment right now locks in your Season Pass so you can get started with the Coaching Program immediately, get your MindFrame Persuasion Home Study Course in the mail right away, and start claiming your seats at our currently scheduled live seminars.
Then, 30 days and 60 days from now, we will automatically deduct the additional two $665 payments. That way, you can spread the payments and not be “out” the entire $1,995 USD all at once. Does that help?
Q: Perfect, Ross – let’s do this thing. Now, where can I sign up?
A: Go to Since you’re ready to get started today, just click the red button right underneath my video and you will be taken directly to the links to invest (both the 1-pay and 3-pay levels).
Guys, if you have any other questions before getting started with your Live Learning Season Pass, e-mail Lisa at or call (323) 252-1531 and if you get voicemail, please leave your number so we can easily call you back.
Peace, piece, and I friggin’ LOVE my job,
P.S. I meant it Thursday when I said, I only have 30 Season Passes to sell for just $1,995.
And now (Saturday) there are just 24 left. They’re going to go fast. As I’m fond of saying, he who hesitates, m****rb***s, but he who motor-vates, f**nic***s!
Get yours at