Dear Seeker of Success,
Have you ever had a woman say “ewww, yuck!” (with her eyes and expression) the moment you approach her?
It might have been something other than your language patterns or your opening line:
P.S. Want to end this problem for yourself, forever?
Let me show you how to show up glowingly attractive BEFORE you even open your mouth, and before you even have any social skills. Sounds impossible? It isn’t… and I’ll prove it, when you claim your access to Rapid and Total Success With Women now!
“OWN IT” yuck..thats corporate jargon…. double yuck!
[…] reading here: The Automatic “Yuck” She’s Giving You No […]
What do you mean you don’t think self esteem exists? Please explain.
I’m not sure why you despise this term so much, “self-esteem”. I remember first learning of such a concept when I was 9 years old in the 3rd grade. Some lady came in to give a speech and share a valuable life lesson on the importance of self-esteem. She said you will have good self-esteem just by using affirmation in the morning like looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking, “Hey, good lookin’!” or “I am smart and intelligent.” And I found that I never really had problem with self-esteem because I took that lady’s advice and accepted what she said as fact.
Now, I don’t believe in having or not having self-esteem.. rather it’s an ongoing, daily process one must actively choose to do. The term itself, I believe is very new term.. I think it’s about 50 years old.. I forget exactly (look on Wikipedia).
To me, I have very pleasant and positive associations with this term, “self-esteem”.
But I think I also understand that you probably hear the wrong people expressing it as something else.. Aren’t these varying meanings called “complex equivalents” or something?
p.s. I would say the lowest point of my life was when I in the early teen years. Acne, junior high and high school, voice breaking out and squeaking, not being able to talk to hot girls (not because I couldn’t.. but because my brain’s sex circuits where just beginning to bud.. a sexual overload prevented me from being able to speak because the presence of a hot girl was soo overwhelming! It was simply a physiological process of puberty!), sleep deprivation, poor eating, poor hygiene, and the list goes on.. Did I have low self-esteem? I never thought that. I never told myself that I suck or thought negatively of myself.. I thought right but I didn’t feel too good. 😉 In fact, because I had or in fact *did* “self-esteem” I was able to overcome all that and now feel very good generally.. (though.. can never seem to get over some fatigue here and there.. I need to work out and build more muscle I think).
But those are my thoughts and personal expierence on “self-esteem”.. I learned of it when I was in gradeschool and I feel the concept has given me wings! I wonder where you have learned of it? And from whom?
Excuse my misspellings (e.g. “where” instead of “were”) and left out words and other grammatical things.. Perhaps I misspelled and made mistakes because I have low self-esteem?? xD
Ross, I really like your stuff, but I wish you would stop saying “Does that make sense?” and “Get it?” after every statement. Please… Thanks.
@bill sanders,
Dude, you just gave me an idea for a social psychology study for a potential paper.
Time to experiment, What are the effects of adding that at the end on students retention of materials across a week? a year?
The science juices are flowing. All you did was show me the fruit to squeeze.
Good video to refresh my mind
Speaking of the thinking to acting ratio…a ladybug crawling on my screen (no kidding) just got me thinking about another ratio – strippers shaking their asses for a lot of guys to find the next customer. It doesn’t mean that the prospects that passed didn’t enjoy it! So that’s going to be my next walk-up motivator test. Because I’ve proven that I can do it, but still seem to be pushing a lot of resentment about having to.
Just shaking ass from now on and that’s probably a horrible analogy.
And if we want to keep the second person analogy without bringing strippers into it, I have heard women talk about “kissing a lot of frogs to find their prince”. I.e. dating may be a better deal for them in terms of getting free stuff, but it’s not necessarily a walk in the park in terms of finding a mate.
Ross, this one is a big model. I discovered years ago that if you *drop all your past* (it includes inner-identities and masks) that makes other people perceive you rad, effortlessly. That’s bottom up tranceformation?
once again- absolute Gold, for free. I now can say I understand what he means. Is it fully, the way RJ understands it – no. But when I look back a few years ago, when I was presented with this information for the first time, now I can see that I only thought I understood.
— Working on the person I am more and more becoming 🙂