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    Eric April 20, 2012, 8:39 am

    Hey Ross…my name is eric..and I think this situation applies to me..I was jus wondering why we get into a lip disagreement she always says if I’m going to break up wit her..so can I get sme of ur magic wisdom?

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    Kevin April 20, 2012, 8:50 am

    Very True Ross!
    Is it ever possible to establish a deep, loving relationship with these types?

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    Joe April 20, 2012, 8:58 am

    After demonstrating to he girl that your willing to reject her, do you have to stay with that frame through a relationship or does this change after having sex?

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    Vaughn April 20, 2012, 9:14 am

    Hey Jeff, I have met this girl, last year at my university.

    Well I don’t have any problem but it seems she’s interested in me.

    Thing is in the past I haven’t noticed her being the way you
    Describe a woman in this here blog.

    I removed her from my facebook because we argued, we’ll I caused
    The drama. I told her I like her, she told me she like me.
    She wants to be my friend.

    Now recently she added me on facebook again lol.
    I can tell you she hates rejection but loves attention.

    I gave her a lot of attention. I would like to know what you think I should do
    Because I know once I get into her pants I’ll be welcome always.

    I want her to open up to me completely.

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    Ruben April 20, 2012, 9:35 am

    According to you (4/20/2012), “Once she feels rejected, then she’ll feel safe to have sex with you because she knows that you’re not going to let her really get close and she doesn’t have to really open up.” I digress a bit, I want her to open up…her legs! Then you end by saying, ” Chew on that for a bit,”…yea buddy!


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    James April 20, 2012, 9:52 am

    Thanks to you, this article is the final piece to my puzzle. Thank you very much. You have changed my whole outlook on hooking up. I’m 31 and I had, for a long time, trouble with women outside of being their friend. I grew up with mostly women in my life and I almost always see the dark side of femininity. It’s like you do 87 things right and all they do is focus on the 1 thing you did wrong. And by growing up around these kinds of women, the mantra of “Men Ain’t Shxt” was loud and clear. So with that and the rejections, insults, and dirty looks I get from women I run into daily, I thought I was hopeless. I mean, I am a man; and I was raised believing that Black Men were no good. So what was I to do. I actually considered suicide a few times; especially when my mother died and my so called best friend played me out 6 months ago. Within the same month, mind you. MY mom died one week, and the girl I hoped to have a relationship with jumped on another guy’s bone the next week. It was too much to bear. I had to find help in some way. Therapy was okay, but then I discovered you through an internet search one night. And yes, I admit, you ARE different than the other love gurus out there. While you are about “Let’s find out what she’s like…”, the other guys are about manipulation and treating her like shit in order to get the drawers. I had a hard time understanding your methods until I got a hold of “Nailing Your Inner Game”, which is easier to absorb than David DeAngelo’s “Deep Inner Game.” Pretend to be James Bond, yeah right! I rather be me. And you showed me how. And this article is the icing on the cake. I know this is pretty long, but I have to share this with you and the community. I’m enjoying the Buddy II Bedmate series too. Thank you RJ for blessing us with your wisdom and experience. Thank you!!!

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    Moggs April 20, 2012, 10:27 am

    Female logic!! Trouble is once you do bang them, you get hunted for a relationship, I’ve found they attached & act get a bit needy or insecure.

    There’s times I wonder if I’m mad and the AFC’s have it right as some end up with women with little effort & we have to understand this kind of weird logic to get the hotties? It’s only because of guys like Ross that understand this stuff on a deep level that keeps me from losing the plot:-) Cheers Ross

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    Oren April 20, 2012, 10:27 am


    First of all, it’s very interesting and profound what you just said here.

    Second, I don’t understand… So, what you are saying here is that, the women who needs to feel rejected by a guy in order to feel attracted to him, are actually the kind of women who are sick and twisted in their heads?! the kind of women who are only attracted to the guys who hurts them? Is that what you are saying, or I just miss understood?

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    David H April 20, 2012, 11:47 am

    Ross, that is so accurate it’s not funny. I have a woman like that at the moment and have been seeing her for nearly 8 months. Although I do f@@k her, she always pushes me away, then when I reject her, she pulls me back towards her. The big question is, what do I do about it?

  • […] more from the original source: Rejection: Does It Get Women Who Play Games Into Your Bed? No […]

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    Jeff April 20, 2012, 12:46 pm

    Why would you want to get involved with someone that messed up? Isnt it true she can imprint her “energy” on you?

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    Leslie Piper April 20, 2012, 12:54 pm

    Oh my, Guru and Fount of Wisdom,what a floodgate of memory THIS opened up…many years ago, before the advent of fire or the wheel, I sat next to an attractive, lanky dancer in a class…we talked. Now, get this…
    we decided to go to the Brass Ass (yup…there was such a place. Good beer, pizza, music, etc) and when I showed up at her place she told me we would be meeting another guy, too.

    At that point I thought, this stinks, but I was a know-nothing jerk and so I thought, well, I’ll fix his wagon quick…but it didn’t work out that way. He didn’t get lost and she didn’t send him away, so after an hour or so I got up,told her “Later, loser,” and found someone else to dance with and drink, etc.

    Next week, in the same class, she came and sat by me, and I couldn’t believe it. I got up and moved, mad but just wanted her out of my area…after class she approached me and wanted to talk, asked me if I’d had fun, and I just told her “No,” and to leave me alone, turned, and walked away.

    Next thing I knew she was following me, telling me she wanted to apologize…so strange. I was pretty steamed so I took her by the shoulders, shoved her up against a wall, and told her in no uncertain terms to leave me alone, that she had her chance, grow up and leave me alone.

    She followed me, crying and begging like I’d NEVER seen a woman behave before. Seriously. There’s duck pond on the campus, I walked out there and over the bridge and thru hallways, our strange little parade, me simply trying to get away and her following, pleading. This went on quite a while…

    Finally I stopped, she made all these great promises…which I assure you that over the next three months she fulfilled…and I let her take me back to her place and get started on living up to her word…which up to then hadn’t been good…It WAS good.

    Great legs. I let her go when she got a job in San Francisco and I didn’t want to move there then, and anyway there were other fish to fry…thanks for reminding me. I guess sometimes when you reject it’s where the fun begins.

    Twice I consciously have rejected women, and it gave me GREAT satisfaction and access to the Pink Palace quicker than anything…thanks, O Guru. Onward into Better Times…

    ps: tried to get an enote to you about how much I appreciated your ‘Grace under Pressure’ video moment, working thru the back pain and reminding us, through your terrible personal experience, that Tempus Fugit.

    An old fighting teacher and bud is going thru something like that now…we trained together 16 years and partied thru two of his divorce-rehab times, etc. Prostate removal…’nuf said. Tempus Fugit, let’s get ours while the getting’s good.

    As ever and then some…Leslie
    ps: deez is too long for your purposes, O Leader of the Pussypackers, but to you my highest regards and thanks…

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    Chuck Norris April 20, 2012, 3:23 pm

    I haven’t tested this theory out par for par, so I can’t say for sure but women definitely don’t want a guy that’s falling all over them. That’s what I used to do because it’s what I’d heard in songs and seen and movies and was mostly raised by my mother. I would meet lots of girls that thought I was cute but once I seemed too into them or maybe they thought I’d be too easy they very quickly LBGF’d me. When implemented some of the patterns, after starting to study Ross, I started getting further and further but it seemed girls would flake RIGHT before there was a chance to sleep with them. When I learned about fractionating that made all the difference. It was tough at first to take it off the table but once I got that ‘take it or leave it attitude’ I rarely flopped with women. The best is when they stop making out with you in the middle of a heated session and say ‘I can’t do this” or ‘this is moving too fast.’ I used to perceive stuff like this as drama or games but now I agree with them and it always seems to work! I’m so sick, I’ll even stop the make out session and tell them we’re moving too fast. I definitely think there are girls that are more drama than I care to put up with but a girl that plays some games is just like figuring out a puzzle, in my opinion. These things used to frustrate and flat out depress me but now it’s all part of the fun of it!

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    Mike W April 20, 2012, 3:29 pm

    Hi Ross!

    This idea is very unique and insightful as always.
    But I dont quite get the “reject her a little” part, like how strong should a rejecion be? when to use it?
    would you please give us some examples?

    Thank you!!


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    Mickey April 20, 2012, 4:25 pm

    You are truly a master. I followed this advice earlier today. I figured I had nothing to lose. I got the best response from this drama queen. The only reason I did not bed her was because I did not have time.
    She has been texting me non stop. I scheduled her for some other time. Amazing!
    Thank you Ross. This is pure genius.

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    Alejandro April 20, 2012, 4:58 pm

    a little weird women… who understand them?

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    Alrik April 20, 2012, 8:54 pm

    Thanks Ross. I get what you’re saying about the rejection, it’s true. But do just continue to reject her? And how far do you take it, do you tell her she’s plain ugly? Or is it more a body language thing where you keep distant?

    The thing is, I don’t see at what point this can transition into sleeping with her.

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    Dre April 20, 2012, 10:22 pm

    i dont get it. why would anyone want to be with a girl who wants guys to make her feel hurt? like a masochist or what? are you a sadist? and how do you know this is true anyway? are you a psychologist? how do you know this or are you just guessing? why would you want to be with a girl who is afraid of intimacy? and who does NOT want to “open up” sexually? that like the worst sex ever. too much work if you ask me, not worth it, might as well use my hand.

    and what happens after you bang her? how do you let her go without her getting hurt even more? or, does she then just want you even more because you “reject her”? sorry RJ, usually I like your articles, but NONE of this pseudo science BS makes ANY sense to me to be honest with you it looks like you were on crack when you pulled this nonsense out of your ass.

    hahaha, wait a second. OR are you projecting there RJ? 😉

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    Roy Engstrom April 21, 2012, 3:19 am

    I was taking a 300 level photography class about how to make great prints without having a calibrated monitor, and there was this 20 year old kid in the class. I had seen him in the intro to digital photography class a year before, and I was surprised to run into him again. He was a totally arrogant, clueless fool. Yet somewhere in his self-involved mind he figured he was superior to everyone and we just couldn’t understand him and his “art.” His “art” was all centered around suicide and self-mutilation. I’d never really tried to look at him before. But in this class I decided to figure out what his schtick was and why he was doing it. His pictures were dull, flat, and poorly lit even for the subject he was trying to “communicate.” He said he was involved in theater also. I noticed the pictures he showed in the 300 class had some “Goth” type girls with fake theater blood, and sometimes what looked like real self-mutilation scars. I had an “A-ha” moment as his pictures in the intro class were almost all of him, now he had at least three girls in his suicide, death, and self-mutilation pictures. So he had, indeed, made progress.

    I couldn’t hardly stop laughing when I fully realized his gig. I said to him, “Dude, ya gotta switch over to vampires, where you’re heading is a dead end.” He answered, “No, death is serious, it’s profound.” I couldn’t stop laughing to say much more, but managed to blurt out, “With vampires you can be dead, and still be around to enjoy carnal lust, this is much, much better.”

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    francisco April 21, 2012, 5:32 am

    i read everything that you say till this moment and i agreid it everything because it have a reason behing it´s just that this time what you wrote in this article doesn´t have any logic so if you were to esplain better what´s the reason for there test? we would thank you very mutch.

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    A M April 21, 2012, 8:30 am

    I would screen her (not reject or neg, quite dark). If she fears intimacy, I escape: warp drive mode on, maximum speed!!!!
    I suppose her trance word for rejection and the way she describe herself is part of the game, but I wouldn’t do that.

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    Ektor April 21, 2012, 10:27 am

    the power of paradoxes

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    G April 21, 2012, 3:45 pm

    Ross, when I read about this, it’s happening the same to me! just backwards! I am being the dramatic one.

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    michael April 22, 2012, 4:20 am

    I totally agree, they are….. whats that word: immature & this symptom may have arrisen from up-bringing, still society (guys) have to deal with them.

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    The Bush With Legs April 24, 2012, 1:26 pm

    Hi Ross,

    Would the difference between suck-sex here and rejection, there, be that she doesn’t realise how much she really wants it until It’s made clear your willing to leave without argument/fuss?

    That response reminds me when: I noticed my neices and nephews playing, and I’m sure you all have too if you have them, You can pass them a ball and they’ll play for a very short while then ignor it for something else ….But take it away from there side and it instantly becomes the most important thing in the world to them….

    …Hey, I just realised, Now, writing that, I could be judged as a bad uncle…ha ha – Seriously though, It’s just something I’ve observed …I don’t go pinching toddlers balls…

    …Before I dig myself in any deeper… ..

    ….In the latter part or your post (where “she’ll feel safe to have sex with you because she knows that you’re not going to let her really get close and she doesn’t have to really open up”) – Does this also apply to women who say they have been treated badly by men in the past ?
    Or should I just ry it? Or something else?



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