Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students,
In this video from our May 8th consult, Bob reports that he is not doing the “put-on/humorous” approaches I assigned him to do.
He’s showing a typical pattern; which is falling back on what he feels familiar with, what he calls “being sincere”.
I’m going to push him here to go a bit outside of his comfort zone; Bob has a great sense of humor and he may as well use it in a structured, and challenging way, and follow up with being sincere, rather than starting out with being sincere.
I also want Bob to get the idea of screening women-he ought to become comfortable in having a set of standards for women and being willing to walk away if they don’t respond well to humor.
More BCB videos over the next few days. Comments below, please.
Peace and piece,
P.S. As you powerfully realize how much you want to learn some of these great walk-up/approach women tools, how excited will you be as you check out my Gold Walk Up DVD?
Hey I know what you guys can do. Why don’t you use a hat with a built in camera, or put one in a hat, and go out an sarge with the one of you wearing the hat.
Look’s like basket case bob is making some head way to progress.
RJ Advises Basket Case Bob On His Pick Up Vibe, Approaching, And Openers…
Two venues, two approaches, two follow-ups, … Ross Jeffries continues to coach Basket Case Bob. Funny first, then sincere… the sequence of vibes can make the difference in a successful approach. After the approach, you need a “follow-up” to kee…
RJ Advises Basket Case Bob On His Pick Up Vibe, Approaching, And Openers | Ross Jeffries Uncensored…
Two venues, two approaches, two follow-ups, … Ross Jeffries continues to coach Basket Case Bob. Funny first, then sincere… the sequence of vibes can make the difference in a successful approach. After the approach, you need a “follow-up” to kee…
What was the other word… toes? Toads? Sorry, English is not my native tongue.
However, those approaches are solid gold. I hope Bob incorporates them to his arsenal.
I’m pretty sure that Bob’s direct would work but only with a powerful vibe and mindset, of course that would have to be proved in other test test the girl in some level only after puting her on confort state some people just fell bad when tested because sometimes hot babes are saw like “superior beings” and some of then visualize that are superior than anyone else (runway pal) confort openers I think that are a must in some contexts
by the way ross thank u for the new product and the new blog it’s more open to al senses in life can’t wait to get my nails on it and ur blog helped me a lot in a good cause moving locals and civil authorities on saving a marine natural park it’s not done yet but finally I think what was missing was to do that unconcious talk and put people where dreams come possibilities,they were just planing a manisfestation and probably after that giv-up, ur blog was the right tool to give hope to an old toads
League of justice and ross jeffries 🙂 I’m pretty sure they will pretty much the same after this lesson
Bob mentioned that he had a wing man he could use him as a camera man not to get involved in the interaction but . What might be an idea not to post them on the internet or release them to the public . Like some of the other so called pick up artist do But their are several devices that another person could put on to record the pick up Without the female being aware. then you could evaluate the video . video cameras that look like ties buttons pens etc .