Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans,
One of the great things about learning Speed Seduction® (and also one of the most challenging) is that suddenly, you find yourself in situations with women you’ve never or rarely experienced before.
Suddenly, hot girls want you.
Suddenly, girls you are hanging out with start showing you the signs they want you to “move in for the close”.
Now, the challenging part is, if you are suddenly thrown into a situation that you aren’t used to handling, if you don’t have some responses prepared and ready, you might be stuck holding your “progress” in your right hand, wondering what went wrong!
So often, beginners ask about “closing” the girl, physically. When do I make that big move for the “kiss”? What are the signs she is ready? Etc etc.
First, foremost, uppermost, important-most: it is a BIG mistake to think of “closing” as something you do later on, as part of a sequence of events.
In sales, you have what’s known as the ABC Principle.
ABC = Always Be Closing
Same thing with women: closing includes ANYTHING that paves the way for further physical intimacy. That means: YOU ARE CLOSING FROM THE MINUTE YOU FIRST APPROACH!
I’m aware that some of my “competition” teaches that these things take place in discrete “stages”, and while at times it may be useful to think of it that way, the more accurate model is that, as a woman’s emotions open to you, she can be ready…
Furthermore, closing is not about “kissing” or “petting” or even intercourse. It’s about none of these specific actions or events.
Touch of any kind builds comfort AND arousal, at the same time, if done properly.
Now, in 48 hours I’m going to send you a follow-up where I go deeper into the issue of “kissing.”
Peace and piece,
P.S. To get your Rapid and Total Success With Women course and start enjoying choice, power and variety with the women you really want, without being a bully or a beggar, just click here:
Hi RJ,
Last night, I went clubbing with 2 guys and 3 girls. We had a good time chatting and dancing, and I was aiming at one of the girls. I danced with her intimately (as well as with the 2 other girls), and then when we were sitting and drinking, and I notice her emotions opening to me, I asked her if she would be doing something in the next hour or so that she really enjoy doing, but she might not have allowed herself to do it before, what would it be? She said “watching people dancing” or something silly. I told her that this is something she always does, and emphasised again on “something she really loves but never allow herself to do very often”. She said “nothing”!
I find it hard to understand why women hang out with men in sexually charged environments, but drop their advances. Don’t they strive for sex??
I think some just “strive” excitement and stimulation and being admired for a few hours as opposed to banging. Some can be moved from that initial desire into more. Some can’t. Some it is just as well for you that they don’t.
So you think there is a psychological difference between men and women in a way that men almost always love to go for sex, regardless of whether they know the path to it or not, whereas women in the contrary do that only sometimes? Or maybe, men want sex way more than women do?
[…] Nothing “Sudden” About It: Always Be “Closing” With Women! […]