Dear Seeker of Success,
Lots of negative messages come flying at us when we approach and Sarge women.
Women reject us – sometimes viciously, sometimes publicly and with deliberate intent to humiliate us in front of everyone within earshot.
People get on our case about not being “suave” with the ladies.
Then, when we take a bold step forward, those same people who criticized our lack of game turn around and get on us for educating ourselves about real success with women rather than just “stop being so shy”.

So, if someone handed you a brush and a bucket of vomit mixed with cat piss, how eager would you be to paint yourself with it?
Funny Thing: Many People Who Say “Hell No”
Are, In Fact, Painting Themselves With
Vomit And Cat Piss
Despite claims to the contrary, we find ourselves too eager and willing to take people’s criticisms and paint ourselves with them.
It’s a perverse, almost Anti-Narcissism.
Narcissists won’t listen to criticism. Anti-narcissists can’t wait to paint their entire personality, self and all of who they are with that brush of vomit and cat piss.
Someone called a student of mine “awkward” socially. The word awkward, in this sense, is very ill-defined, which makes it very hypnotic. You spend days, months and years trying to get to what they mean.
I have a challenge in my head.
Whenever someone tells me something that’s really vague, I’ll say, “That doesn’t give me anything. What do you mean by that? What specifically does that mean? If you’re going to offer me advice, tell me specifically what that means. What do you mean? What should I do, and what will that do?”
At The Very Least, Challenge The Meaning
I challenged the student who was being called “awkward” to say back, “What specifically do you mean by awkward and in what context? What behavior or expression is awkward?”
It‟s important to ask them to specify. Say, “what exactly do you mean?”
If they can’t give that to you, then they really don‟t have any useful information.
…So, To F@@king Hell With Them
When I was a kid in middle school, someone said, “Why do you always use big words?”
I looked at her and said, “There are no big words, my dear. There are only small minds.”
Most truly intelligent people have been told by teachers, friends, colleagues, and every other damn person not to use “big words”. Just consider that a small mind may be spewing that vomit and cat piss onto you.
Put the paint brush down.
A Final, Anti-Awkward Note
What I shared with the “awkward” student, was to be really super cautious about letting anyone set those kinds of negative definitions to his personhood.
At best, he’s not awkward, but some expression or behavior that he did, given the context, was interpreted as awkward by one or more people who were there.
Even then, some other people who were watching may have interpreted it a different way.
So put down the vomit and cat piss paint brush.
P.S. Over the years, I have learned multiple ways to break shyness and “approach anxiety” even if it’s sealed in by an entire lifetime of accumulated vomit and cat piss, and I’ve helped literally thousands of guys unpaint themselves.
I’ve distilled the very best of these methods into Rapid and Total Success With Women.
Amen, brother.
Some people are too good of a hypnotic subject in preseance of idiotic people, a truly lovely talent, wasted on silly people.
“Even then, some other people who were watching may have interpreted it a different way”
great post …from the very beginning thru the school system, parents, religion we are brainwashed that everything that comes out of the pie hole of a :authority” figure is pure platinum when in fact its is burning, acidtic diarrhea.
@Harry Lime well said
Amen! And then when you call them on their I’ll-defined bullshit, their last resort is to claim that you “just don’t get it.” Fuck them! They aren’t helping and you owe them nothing.
One thing I’ve been looking at past seduction or as part of the social context of it, is “interfaces.” Who you are (based on how you behave) is not the same with a stranger, as it is with acquaintance, as with an activity friend, as with a confidante, a family member or partner. Not everyone gets the same level of access to your deepest truths and not everyone is qualified to give advice in any given area..
That’s a good point. Goes back to “how I speak to my woman is different from how I speak to my mates”. Truth to it.