Ross Jeffries™ is the founder, creator and Master Teacher of the worldwide seduction community. Featured as the mentor to Neil Strauss in the best-selling book, “The Game”, RJ has taught, coached, and mentored thousands of men around the world, since 1991, guiding them to the success with women they truly desire and deserve. Speed Seduction® shows you how to succeed with the women you really want, predictably and reliably, without guesswork or games - respecting yourself and the women you enjoy. Forget the copycats and learn from the original – RJ!
Ross Jeffries Articles
Going Negative: Positively Getting Results With Women Through Negation

Dear Seeker of Success, Sometimes being “positive” is not the right way to be, when it comes to women. Now, let me be clear about something-I’m not talking about your attitude. I’m talking about your language. You see, one of the most powerful linguistic tools in existence that can totally blast through a woman’s last […]

Are All Women WHORES?

Dear Seeker of Success, It is my considered opinion that all women are whores. Does that sound hateful to you? Well it’s time for you to grow up and open your eyes.

What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Vegas?

Dear Seeker of Success, Who do you think “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” is targeted toward – men or women?  How can it help you get laid?  Could you get your dirtiest fantasy fulfilled? [HTML1] Peace, RJ P.S. Rapid and Total Success With Women is a structured, step-by-step, well-organized “roadmap” (including drills and […]

Why Telling Her How Good She Looks Makes YOU Look… REALLY Bad To Her

Dear Seeker of Success, When you pay a woman a direct compliment, you may well be buying yourself a one-way ticket to Dry Willy City rather than a pass to the all-you-can-eat buffet of erotic desire. Direct compliments (such as “Wow, you really look good today” and “You have the most beautiful, warm, inviting eyes […]