Dear Speed Seduction® Student, (This is what I’ve “warned” you was coming…) Listen: I’m really tired of guys sitting on the fence when it comes to their success with women. And as a teacher, I’ll do ANYTHING to get you results. I’ll teach by example. I’ll offer lots of encouragement. I’ll use metaphors to unconsciously […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, With guys, the distance from “horny” to “hop on my banana, babe” is about 0.4727253 seconds. But with women, there’s a BIG gap between “arousal” and “It’s On.” Here are two creative ways to fill her gap and overcome her resistance: [HTML1] Peace and piece, RJ P.S. What you just watched […]
Dear Seeker of Success, I don’t know what’s going on lately but I’m seeing a LOT of discouragement. Maybe it’s just more bull$y@! in the so-called news, or the election, or the tumble the stock market took yesterday, or the onset of winter. Whatever it is: ENOUGH ALREADY. When things are down, you GET UP […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, For any language pattern you use to get a woman hot and bothered and yearning for you, six critical elements must be in place. Watch this video as I lay them out for you: [HTML1] Peace and piece, PR (aka RJ) P.S. Speed Seduction® 3.0 will transform you into a powerful, […]