Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Half of Speed Seduction® is the language techniques that call a woman’s deepest feelings and emotions to the surface, and, within minutes, link those super-charged positive feelings to you so she… …Is Driven To Want You Like A Bear To A Picnic! But the other half are the incredible and very […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Too often, we are taught that to get something we really want or a change we really want in ourselves, we have to constantly think about it, keeping our “goal” in the front of our mind. In other words, we’re taught to “get psyched“. This over-motivation is a load of crap […]

Dear Seeker of Success, First, if you haven’t seen it yet, go back and read my post on the difference between associated and dissociated imagery… …and how knowing the difference makes visualization exercises more valuable than just thinking about some chick while you whack off. Once you have that down, you’ll be ready for… An […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, As I pointed out here, breathing is of vital importance for making any deep level change. We could get into all sorts of meta-physical explanations, but let’s keep it scientific for a while at least. The scientific fact is that if you have a prolonged fear or anxiety response, eventually the […]