Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Do you need to be a super-duper seducer to get the ladies? I say no, here’s why: – PR (formerly RJ) P.S. The clip you just watched is among the 25+ hours of video training that already await you inside the Speed Seduction® Total Immersion 2012 Seminar Footage Collection – with […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Picking up right where we left off with Part 1, here is the next understanding, based on what I said before: ****Wherever possible, tailor, modify and adapt your language to the unique situation and the unique audience and environment you have in front of you***** How do you do this? Well, […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, A lot of my students are, well…students. In college, graduate courses, dance class, cooking class, and glass class (which really “blows”…get it?) So here’s a typical question from a student of mine who goes to school: “Ross, Can Speed Seduction® patterns can be used in a school classroom where there a […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Being able to develop and cultivate witness consciousness requires three key understandings, which I reveal in this clip: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. In the brand-new course, Magick, Manifestation, And Non-Local Influence, the clip you just watched is a tiny slice of “Part 6”. Immediately after that, course purchasers see a […]