Dear Speed Seduction® Student, If you… Attended our 3-Day Seminars in Los Angeles (January 2012) or Atlanta (April 2012) Are registered to attend London in July, or Chicago in October Have invested in the 2012 Total Immersion Seminar Footage Collection … then now is the time to log in to your exclusive members’ area to […]

Dear Speed Seduction Student, What happens when, even for just the tiniest moment, the idea of separation between self and world disappears? Want to learn more? Get on the Magick Launch Insiders List. Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Among the valuable skills you’ll learn inside Sexual Aggression Mastery / Showing Up Attractive is The 3-3-3 […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Many guys are so concerned that they might flub their lines or look silly when approaching women, that they never find the energy to get started. Even experienced girl-getters sometimes need a little boost. So, take down the “Manny The Martian” exercise and you’ll have an automatic, “on tap” opener whenever […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Does your life seem like you’re in one of those little cars at Disneyland? What if you could just… come unglued? Not as scary as it sounds: This video clip is ripped straight out of the Magick, Meditation, and Non-Local Influence course that launches on June 6, 2012. Peace and piece, […]