Dear Speed Seduction® Student, There’s a BIG difference between the way we’re being socially programmed by the romance industry and artificial societal expectation bullshit, vs. WHAT REALLY WORKS when it comes to approaching women. What the f@@k does “Just be yourself and she’ll like you for you” mean, anyway? You can go on taking advice […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, There is a crucial difference between the paths traveled by men and by women on the path to where both meet up for the ride on the baloney pony: The sooner you master this, the more you’ll up your game. Peace and piece, RJ P.S. This is a preliminary concept that […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, A student of mine who has bought a few courses reported back to me on his progress learning and mastering the skills. Part of his self-assessment featured the “chewing vs. doing” penumbra: “I’m realizing what I’ve been doing throughout this whole time of trying to learn Speed Seduction®. I was trying […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Think about this for a minute: why do some women play games? A woman’s motivation for playing games (or for acting like a drama queen) is often that she wants to lose the game. The way she loses the game is you reject her a little. That will show her that […]