Dear Speed Seduction@ Student, Generally, I don’t teach affirmations the way others usually teach them. Usually they’re taught by in the first-person, such as, “I am confident. I am powerful.” I don’t like that. When I do teach affirmations, and I don’t really teach them that much, I teach you to say “you.” “You are […]

Dear Seeker of Success, In our Elite Super-Stars Academy, as well as in some of our courses, I teach a special affirmation (one of the very few I teach) called “R.A.B.B.I.T.P.” R.A.B.B.I.T.P. stands for: Responses, Attitudes, Behaviors, Beliefs, Insights, Timing, and Practices. That P at the end is so important. It gives the power to […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, (If you’re ready to cut to the front of the line and sign up now, click here and I’ll hold the rope open and let you pass. Otherwise, keep reading…) Have you ever heard that song about how some guys have all the luck, and some guys have all the pain? […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, If you have not yet had opportunity to read Part 1, go back and do so now. Now, let’s pick up right where we left off: 4) Take a long rest after this. Treat yourself well. Rest your mind. Rest for hours if need be. 5) Once rested(maybe later in the […]