Dear Speed Seduction® Student, We are bombarded with social programming by the Romance Racketeers through romance movies. The scripts brainwash us into believing the way to a woman’s heart is through dates, flowers, and all sorts of events. It’s so damn predictable I could write one of these off the top of my head. Blah, […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Check out this video where I work directly with a student on the essence of change: NOTE: This is “raw” footage ripped straight from the January 2012 Los Angeles seminar. In a couple weeks, as soon as we get it posted for the people who were there, we’ll be offering YOU […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Master In Training, I’ve been getting mail and email from around the world from folks begging me to answer one question: “Ross, are you going to do a Magick seminar this year?” Once again, you, my fans, friends, followers, and students have spoken, and once again, I am answering you. Introducing (…..drumroll…..): […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Look: I am not a fan of online dating. However, a lot of you are demanding more teaching on it. Plus, members of my Coaching Program are adapting my teachings to online dating (as long as they follow a few simple rules to steer clear of Let’s Be Friends-Ville). Watch this […]