Dear Speed Seduction® Student, As you know, National Desperate Supplicating Masturbator’s Day (Valentine’s Day) is coming up next week. I have no problem with you choosing, of your free will, to spend a few bucks on a woman who is already in your life and who is already treating you the way you want and […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Thou shalt not waste time texting. Get them on the phone and a meet up ASAP. Thou shalt not over-validate. Thou shalt do as much as possible as soon as you meet them. Thou shalt be challenging and fun; thou shalt not be overly sincere. Thou shalt not hesitate to be […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Yesterday in Part 1, we looked at various aspects of mental training and behavior rehearsal that constitute the first part of Speed Seduction®. So now, let us delve into the second part. These next Pillars have to do with mastering some simple introductions to women – having two or three things […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Ever heard of a magnificient palace – or even a shack – that stood erect on a flexible foundation? Didn’t think so. Mastering your girl-getting game is not one iota different. Achieving ultimate success with the women you truly desire is like living in a magnificent Palace of Poon, its vast, […]