Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Recently on this blog, I touched on the idea that some guys seem to be able to get any woman, any time, without even trying. Using the example of the gentleman who seemed to be able to seduce a woman by just touching her hip, I pointed out that there’s more […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Any sequence of mental thinking that you go through, starts with a flow of energy in the body that kickstarts the thought process. That’s the Signal Recognition Process. Click here to learn more: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. This video clip is taken right out of our Fear Into Charisma module, […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Just the other day a student of mine shared an observation with me. The moment a woman starts with “When are you going to take me out on a date?” or “I want you to wine and dine me” he immediately, instantaneously, inexorably, and irrevocably loses interest in her. From what […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, I recently received this e-mail from a student of mine about how Speed Seduction® helped him “up” his game with women this past New Years’. No resolution, just motor-vation to success. Let’s hear him share, in his own words: Ross, I owe you a huge thank you for all of your […]