Dear Speed Seduction® Student, A major impediment to success in any endeavor – career advancement, building a successful business, becoming a star athlete, discovering a breakthrough in science or medicine, getting the results you want with the hot, succulent, attractive-in-every-way women you’ve always wanted but up until now have not mastered – is in how […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, For a limited time (until Friday, December 9 at 12:00 Noon Pacific) I’m breaking my own rule in Los Angeles. Here’s the thing: the first stop on our 2012 Live 3-Day Speed Seduction® Seminar Tour is Los Angeles, last weekend of January 2012. I have a rule: in order to attend […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Whether you’re getting back in the game after a long absence, coming off the short end of a real-hate-shun-ship, or just really getting focused on mastering your girl-getting game, the frame you approach with makes all the difference. Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Are you ready to experience profound personal trance-formation […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, A question that comes up from time to time with my students: should you discuss your interest / study / involment in / the very existence of the seduction community, with the women you’re with? An important point to ponder, and particularly so in the age of the internet and social […]