Dear Speed Seduction® Students, If you were one of the smart guys who took part in our 24-Hour, 20%-Off Black Friday Promotion, I want to say, “Congratulations”! If you weren’t, I wanted to say, “sorry we missed you”. Those who take action, win. Those who hesitate… wait. Thanks for being there. Peace and piece, RJ

Dear Speed Seduction® Master In Training, I am honored, excited, pleased, and delighted beyond delight’s sweet delight to introduce the 2012 Speed Seduction® 3-Day Live Seminar World Tour! [To cut to the chase, click here ==> http://www.rjseminar.com/] It’s Different In 2012… This year, we’re creating not just a seminar, but an experience. Here’s just part […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Do you try to create a quiet state of mind but find it’s still spinning around like a f@@king drunken monkey on rollerskates? Then you’ll really want to watch this video. It’s just one small clip from the brand-new Speed Seduction® Seminar Prep Course you’ll receive when you claim your seat […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Everyone has a “type” of some sort. Some guys prefer women who look or act a certain way; for some it helps if they have many interests in common; some find it sufficient just to screen out the loonies and the crazies. Does it help to make a list of the […]