Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In previous posts here on Ross Jeffries Uncensored, I’ve explained the importance of clearly positioning your values. Sometimes, seeming “just a tad pissed” when she violates your rules can be an effective screening tool and a way of drawing her closer (esp. when she has to, you know, make it up […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, You’ve heard me say that “online dating” is for the birds. Speed Seduction® is NOT designed to help you get laid from a personals ad. At the same time, you also hear me say often that one of the real geniuses of Speed Seduction® is that it doesn’t just give you […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, It’s time to break out of the belief fostered by certain folks that in order to have fun or have sex with a woman, you must be open to a relationship or feel you “owe” her one. It is time, my beloved students, friends, and fans, to shut the Romance Racketeers […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Recently, someone asked me this question: if you acted like a total AFC toward a woman in the past (lots of flowers, expensive dinners, and “dating” prior to any making-out or sex) and predictably got rejected, before you acquired Speed Seduction® skills, can you go back, show her the new “Sargy” […]