Dear Speed Seduction® Student, A lot of you ask me questions about how to approach younger women and get them interested in you. To begin with: if you are sufficiently intriguing, fascinating, fractionating, etc. she will almost NEVER bring it up if she is the adventurous, curious, sexually open kind of girl. (What kind of […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, When you no longer need a guarantee before you take a bold step forward and approach a woman, “make your move”, or what have you, some amazing things can totally open up: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Today’s video clip is brought to you by the Speed Seduction® Total Immersion 2011 […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, A big part of achieving ultimate success with women you truly desire comes from understanding of the concept of “frames”; the overall guidelines through which you present everything else you do. I truly believe that understanding how to fit all of your thoughts, actions, responses and ideas with women into the […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Could you refer to yourself through a metaphor and have the woman understand it unconsciously as something that represents you? Like, using this example a student brought up: “Have you ever been to a museum and you see this beautiful painting in front of you (create a frame with fingers around […]