Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In the initial phases of seduction, a little “tension” can be good. “Give her a little of what she wants, then pull back and make her work for more” is a generalized way of putting that. But what if you’re the kind of person who, when shown affection or appreciation, responds […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, One of the premises that I lay (haha) down for my students is that there are four vibes that women find appealing. A key to effective Sarging is knowing when, and how, to shift these vibes. Watch this video (where our Chief Furball Officer, Tazzleberry Cat, makes a cameo appearance): Peace, […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Here is a screen shot of a testimonial I just got: Just in case it isn’t clear enough I am also copying the text for you right here… =========================================== Hey, the name’s Melvin Cedeno. And I’ve been studying seduction for a few years, and I’ve read practically every other book in […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In an ideal world (assuming there’s some fantasy-island “one definition” of “ideal” that fits every person and every situation), when Sarging a woman there would be no one else within earshot, no background noises, no distractions, no cell phones blaring, and nothing on her mind, at all, except overwhelming thoughts about […]