Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Hot off the presses! Here is a great testimonial video I just received from a longtime student. Click “Play” now and watch as he explains, in his own words, how he used Speed Seduction® to create an effective “bullshit shield”. Also note his use of “implied compliments” and other techniques: Peace […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, I’m often asked about the best manner or vibe for a man to put out when he approaches a woman for the first time. Though the specific questions vary, a few common themes emerge. Are cocky and funny good attitudes to exude toward women when you’re Sarging? Or, will a friendly […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In just a few short weeks I’ll be teaching my last live Speed Seduction® seminar for 2011. From Sept 9-11, we’ll be in lovely Montreal, Canada, amidst a sea of lovely French Canadian ladies, teaching you my latest and greatest girl-getting breakthroughs. My Last Event…YOUR First Look Listen: while it’s true […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, “Linkage” is using gestures to make sure that the great states we create in women through the Sarging process are linked to us. Watch this video where I expound in greater detail: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. This video is just one of four laser-focused video lessons that members of our […]