Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Many of you have heard me explain the concept of using language and patterns to seduce women, all the while making it seemingly a perfectly ordinary conversation. Watch this video where I give you a specific question you can ask that helps you seduce her, using your curiosity: Peace and piece, […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, A student reported to me that even though he studies my teachings and practices the skills, at various – sometimes random – instances he’ll choke when he sees a beautiful woman. The anxiety will kick in so strong, he just won’t approach her. Especially if she’s really hot. One of the […]

Dear Speed Seduction Student®, Check out this quick video clip where I demonstrate how to use language and touch to begin the sexualization process: NOTE: this is but a tiny sample of what you will find when we release our Seminar Training Collection in the next week or so. Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Want […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Every so often I find it necessary to debunk the naysayers. Today is that “every so often.” For example, those who say Speed Seduction® is silly or that “any intelligent woman would see right through it and think you’re a weirdo/perv/psycho.” This particular band of naysayers say that if they used […]