Dear Speed Seduction® Student, I hear a lot about how certain “types” of women must (supposedly) be approached in a certain way. Like, due to who she is and what “lifestyle” or whatever she leads, there’s a certain specific way a man can reach her if he really wants to succeed with her. For example, […]

Where you place your devotion can be as fulfilling – and as dangerous – as where you place your tallywacker. It can take you down a bad road, as I reveal in this video: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. In my breakthrough home study program “Speed Seduction® 3.0” you will gain the knowledge and skills […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, At our recent 3-day seminar in Copenhagen, one of my students gave me a print out of a online dating profile and asked me to help him find her “trance words” and otherwise dissect the profile. Click Play and watch how I dissected it: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. I do […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, As I’ve said before, on more than one occasion in fact, one of the lessons I teach is that you use the information, vibe, and feedback a woman gives you to craft your patterning and banter to connect YOU with her erotic desires, wants and needs. Part of what gets you […]