Dear Speed Seduction® Student, A huge part of mastering your girl-getting game is not only understanding and recognizing the “AFC” behaviors that, up until now, have slowed your surge to success; but also having in place a set of tools and practices to quickly set yourself back on track if one of these behaviors ever […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, I see it happen, just all too often: one mistake can beget another. One minute things are going well, then there’s a shift in a non-Sargy direction and everything goes downhill from there. It’s like you fall behind then it can be a real struggle to get caught up. Check this […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students, The other day I had this email exchange with a strongly skeptical student. Read on to see his challenge and my answer. ————————————————————————- > —- Will XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote: > > Ross, > > In reality there is no actual proof available that speed > seduction works as advertised. Will, that depends […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Remember two days ago when I shared some ways that using my teachings gets you more of the type of women you really want to be with? Watch my interview with this student and learn how Speed Seduction® has him awash in the platinum blondes he really likes: Peace and piece, […]