Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In my previous post, we explored how you can get more of the kind of women you really want when you master the skills and apply the techniques that boost your girl-getting game. A lot of it comes from creating her motivation and desire to respond. We have so far explored […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, I need to make the following crystal clear: Speed Seduction® gets you more success with more of the women you truly desire, more of the time… …without having to get sucked into the mastur-waiting game or resort to the 5 Bs’ (bullying, buying, begging, BS, and booze – as well as […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Every time I’m out and about, living my life, and I’m in a public place and I overhear the phrase “I got her digits” (as in, a guy boasting about this to his pals as if this is a great victory) I think to myself… “WOW…a phone number. What’s he gonna […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Just the other day I received an e-mail from a great student of mine, someone who TAKES ACTION, who read my recent post on The Great Disappearing Act. Remember: one of the goals of Speed Seduction® is to give you not only the patterns and techniques, but also the success tools […]