Dear Speed Seduction® Student, The other night I was hanging out with the Swedish ex-room mate of my Swedish ex-girlfriend. Let’s call this gorgeous, 5 foot 10, 25 year old, buxom Swedish lass, “Inge”. Anyway, Inge and I were sitting over coffee at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf on Wilshire and 9th when we […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, When you make the decision, right now, that today is the last day of the way I used to be, you’ll see the impact it has not only on your girl-getting game, but on your life in general. Let’s hear from a student with whom I had a private coaching call […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Let’s talk about a fear of something that many might consider a tad ironic. What happens when you do such a great job of mastering your girl-getting game, that you find yourself with a woman who you think may be “The One?” On the one hand, isn’t this what you’ve always […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, When this student (who attended one of our recent seminars) first heard of Speed Seduction®, he pretty much thought it was “total shit.” Watch this short video and find out what happened when he took a step in a new direction and immersed himself in the teachings: jontestimonialsmaller-desktop.m4v Peace and piece, […]