Ross Jeffries™ is the founder, creator and Master Teacher of the worldwide seduction community. Featured as the mentor to Neil Strauss in the best-selling book, “The Game”, RJ has taught, coached, and mentored thousands of men around the world, since 1991, guiding them to the success with women they truly desire and deserve. Speed Seduction® shows you how to succeed with the women you really want, predictably and reliably, without guesswork or games - respecting yourself and the women you enjoy. Forget the copycats and learn from the original – RJ!
Ross Jeffries Articles
“So Hard In Your Mouth”?

Dear Speed Seduction® Students, Just how difficult is it to use sexual metaphor and suggestions with a woman? Is it actually, in reality, quite easy, and something you can playfully use to sexualize conversations quite rapidly? Why, yes, my horny disciples.  Yes indeedy do! Here is an example: Last week, I visited a friend in […]

Getting Off Of The “Single And Lonely” Auto-Pilot And Becoming Super-Free And Aware!

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, As I have said over and over, one of the major keys to living the life of your dreams is recognizing and getting off of the auto-pilot that keeps you single and lonely! Remember, most people are walking around IN TRANCE. And even more importantly, the trances they walk around in… […]

“I Feel Like I Should Be Much Better With Women”

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, The other day, someone left this comment on my blog as well as emailing it to me.  I am going to reproduce it here for you to read and quite frankly do nothing other than ask you: what would YOU tell him? I’d really like to encourage your participation here, so […]

When And How To “Go For It” With Women

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, One of the more common scenarios I get presented with is students who are good at some of the stages of seduction, but tend to choke at “the closing”. That is, they are good at the pick-up, good at the middle stage, even good at getting a lady to make out […]