Dear Speed Seduction® Students, Just how difficult is it to use sexual metaphor and suggestions with a woman? Is it actually, in reality, quite easy, and something you can playfully use to sexualize conversations quite rapidly? Why, yes, my horny disciples. Yes indeedy do! Here is an example: Last week, I visited a friend in […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, As I have said over and over, one of the major keys to living the life of your dreams is recognizing and getting off of the auto-pilot that keeps you single and lonely! Remember, most people are walking around IN TRANCE. And even more importantly, the trances they walk around in… […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, The other day, someone left this comment on my blog as well as emailing it to me. I am going to reproduce it here for you to read and quite frankly do nothing other than ask you: what would YOU tell him? I’d really like to encourage your participation here, so […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, One of the more common scenarios I get presented with is students who are good at some of the stages of seduction, but tend to choke at “the closing”. That is, they are good at the pick-up, good at the middle stage, even good at getting a lady to make out […]