Dear Speed Seduction® Student, I can talk until I’m blue in the face about how Speed Seduction® training is the proven formula that gets you the success you want with the women you truly desire. But nothing quite says it like my own students, in their own words. Let’s hear from Matthew, who has attended […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, When you break through the blocks and barriers that have held you back – with women and in other areas of your life as well – you’ll be amazed how the up until now “unthinkable” will suddenly become the “reality.” A student of mine who purchased my Nail Your Inner Game […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, This weekend, I did a private, one-on-one , executive weekend consult with a client. One of his challenges was being too serious with women, and too timid in his approach. I had a female friend volunteer to help out and we taught him some incredibly easy ways to demonstrate dominance, exude […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, It happens to beginners… AND from time to time, even to skilled Speed Seduction® masters. (VERY rarely, but it can happen to ANYONE, so don’t beat yourself up, just keep reading). You know the feeling. You see her. She’s hot. Real hot. You’ve seen her in your dreams, and now here […]