Dear Speed Seduction® Student, From time to time, whether it’s in my Coaching Program, one of my private discussion groups, or here on my blog, I’ll ask my students that simple, yet timeless, all-encompassing question: How’s it going with you and the ladies? You all tell me your stories. And it shows me a lot […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Really… how was your weekend with women? Was it a vaginally-victorious, ripe-for-harvest, 69-acre field of moist pink abundance? Did you meet a great new woman, easily and effortlessly, despite any imperfections in yourself or in her, and powerfully capture her interest and create a new space where the two of you […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students, I just received this great note from one of my students who attended our recent 3-day seminar in London. In case you’re wondering if attending a Speed Seduction® seminar is the right move to help you claim your results with women, listen to Matthew share his experiences in his own words: […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, So there’s a woman you’ve been seeing, things seem to be going great. And now, you’re stepping things up – or trying to. When you try to kiss her, she leans away. When you ask her to come back to your place, she tells you she needs time to get to […]