Ross Jeffries™ is the founder, creator and Master Teacher of the worldwide seduction community. Featured as the mentor to Neil Strauss in the best-selling book, “The Game”, RJ has taught, coached, and mentored thousands of men around the world, since 1991, guiding them to the success with women they truly desire and deserve. Speed Seduction® shows you how to succeed with the women you really want, predictably and reliably, without guesswork or games - respecting yourself and the women you enjoy. Forget the copycats and learn from the original – RJ!
Ross Jeffries Articles
How To Get Her To Buy Your Burger

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Before you can effectively seek a behavior – as in, get a woman to do what you want her to do – there’s something else that needs to happen first. I explain further in this video: [HTML1] Peace and piece, RJ P.S.  This video clip was taken at my January 2011 […]

“I Have Changed Myself So Much In The Last Year…”

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, Just received another success story from a student who has invested in Speed Seduction® products and has used teachings that you’ll find inside my Speed Seduction® 3.0 Course and the Vaginal Victory Vault. As you read, in his own words, how Ryan claimed his results with the women he […]

Why You MUST Screen “Hot” Women Too! (Dumb Blonde Warning!)

Dear Speed Seduction Students, So you think that hot, stacked, bleach-blondes ought to just auto-pass your tests and qualify to jump in your bed, do you? Check out this brainless bimbo, who goes to my college, UCLA!(Graduate 1981, B.A., Political Science, C– grade average..I was bored shitless!) Unless you like your women dumb as rocks, […]

How To Have Fun While Getting Rejected By Women

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, As I once told a friend of mine who asked me how I could take being “rejected” by women, “I never get rejected. I just discover if a woman has good taste!” Now, I admit, that’s a pretty extreme reframe. But notice the fun state of mind it created for me. […]