Dear Speed Seduction® Students, Here is part 2 of the video. Watch… skillatfeeldestroyapproachanxpart2smallereven.3gp Please share your comments and thoughts. Peace and piece, RJ P.S. I did this work the first night of the seminar. I followed up with him 2 days later, brought him on stage to see if the changes held. They did…I’ll post […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, For your added tight trim triumph in 2011, we have added yet another bonus course to the Speed Seduction® Secret Training Collection. Many of you told me you’re looking for EVEN MORE of the latest, greatest teachings on how to meet women anytime, anywhere. And it makes sense: you’re […]

Dear Speed Seducers, My post on Smart, Self-Disciplined, and Still Flunking With Women, really hit a nerve. One of my answers is teaching guys what I call, “Skill At Feel”. In this video, I demonstrate the method with a student. It cured his 50 year plus stage fright. This is part I-the video is too […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, There’s a big argument/debate on whether you can ever be “kind” to women. Could she view this as a sign of strength (you are confident enough that you present yourself from a place of kindness and warmth) or weakness (that it makes you a pushover, an AFC, or worse)? […]