Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Ever felt like you got bitten by the “love bug” but you don’t actually want her? Yeah…it bites. Let’s say you meet a woman, Sarge on her, but as you explore the encounter and the woman you learn, for whatever reason there’s no way you could be with her in a […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, Many of my students have heard a permeation of the following: “Women will have sex on the third date, but will not decide if they love him for another six months or so, because they believe love takes time.” Maybe there’s variance in how many “dates” before the woman […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, One of the tricky things when you get good with Speed Seduction® is the thorny problem of having women fall for you and fall for you hard, when all you want is a little bit of fun. As guys, we have to be aware that even the most bitter, cynical, hardened […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, I think I’m going to puke, and it’s not even Monday yet. Makes me think of the classic film, “The Matrix”. It was that scene, just at the part where Morpheus was offering Neo the choice between the red and blue pills. He explains to Neo that Neo has […]