Dear Speed Seduction® Students, This video speaks for itself. Helping guys like this make their breakthroughs is the reason why I am still passionate about doing this work after 20 years of teaching. Now, if I could do this for a guy like Sina-a 25 year old virgin who was desperately stuck-what could I do […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, I received a tremendous response to my recent blog posts on women’s B.S. tests, specifically why women put men through them, and how men can “pass” them. Now, let me give you three scenarios to illustrate these principles in action. Scenario One: You call to ask her out. Her […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, Many students tell me that the biggest roadblock in getting started toward Speed Seduction® mastery – a roadblock more absolute and impenetrable than a giant boulder blocking the path – is fear of what could go wrong. So, you approach a woman, and sure, one of the following can […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In my last blog post, I explained the reasons why women put men through B.S. tests. So, moving right ahead, today I will share some powerful techniques to not only “pass” these tests but rather, completely overcome them and turn things to your advantage. So, let’s delve into… How To Handle […]