Dear Speed Seduction® Student, There’s a common saying in street fighting that 95% of all real fights wind up in a clinch and go to the ground. Could that really be true? Frankly, I don’t know. But I will say this: 95% of the time, a woman will test you by the second meet, or […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, Wow. My post on Why Txt Msgs Sck Dck has really kicked up quite a debate. One of the many great comments I received was asking how to manage her “autopilot” responses. So, let me show you this video clip, taken from one of my actual live seminars where […]

Dear Seeker of Success, Just received another success story from a student who has invested in several Speed Seduction products, including Rapid and Total Success With Women, the Power Pack, and Nail Your Inner Game, and who has done an in-person consult with me. As you read, in his own words, how Brian claimed his […]

Dear Seeker of Success, Why in the world would any guy in his right mind want to take a step backward down the intimacy ladder with women? Yet that is exactly what many men are doing by following stupid-ass advice from “PUA GURUS” to use text messaging with women they’ve just met. Listen: using your […]