Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, They say tomorrow is a very unique New Years’ because the date will be 1-1-11. It leads me to ask, one-one-one-one-what? Will you overcome “the 1” thing that’s been holding you back from enjoying the success with women that, up until now, you have not quite achieved, for whatever […]

Ok. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with seduction. But I just love this and my girlfriend sent it to me on Facebook. Enjoy some nonsense. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTcz-etqwKg&feature=player_embedded#![/youtube]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students, We are standing on the edge of a new year, once again. Today, Dec 28, I received the following testimonial, a very moving story of how a student moved from the deepest depression and darkness into amazing success with women. I offer it as my gift to you and my hope […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, The other day here on my blog, I delved into the difference between a woman deliberately trying to manipulate you, versus her need for safety and control by self-fractionating. As I explained in that post, there are a few basic things that set up and create her willingness for […]