Dear Speed Seduction® Student, If you’ve ever wondered why you ought to come to a Speed Seduction® live event (http://www.RJSeminar.com), check out this testimonial I just got today. It is unedited, and I received it just as I print it here for you to read and enjoy. ===================================== Dear Ross, I wanted to let you […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, Ever get the feeling that a woman is yanking your chain, just to demonstrate she can? Like, one minute she’s hot, bothered, and just waiting for you to pick her up and take her to the Cape Carnal-Veral Shuttle. The next, she’s cold, aloof, and giving you one-word answers […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, The wait is over! The Speed Seduction® Secret Training Collection is now OPEN! See the full details and claim your express ticket to Tight Trim Triumph and Vaginal Victory in 2011, right now: http://www.rjtrainingvault.com Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Here’s another reason why the Speed Seduction® Secret Training Collection […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, Worried that you might offend her when you lay it on thick or use a phrase like “Blowjob Pattern”? In this video, ripped right out of the brand-new Speed Seduction® Secret Training Collection, I reveal a clip of me demonstrating actual Sarging techniques with Christine at one of my […]