Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, Have you been following the latest on the Speed Seduction® Secret Training Collection, aka the “Vaginal Victory Vault”? I’ve been posting free videos, slowly and teasingly unveiling the contents of the vault, as we lead up to our official date (which will be this week coming up). Not to […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, Yesterday I posted here on the blog that we would be announcing an entirely “nude-erection” (ha ha) for my products and business. Well…here it is! Just click here: http://www.rjtrainingvault.com/launch/ As you will see, this is something YOU, my friends and followers, have been after me to do for some […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, So, she walks in. She’s hot. You want her. Bad. Then…you draw a blank. You start talking in your head. About how you just can’t pull it off. Knowing (and already beating yourself…up) that you won’t be talking to her…though you’ll be pulling it…off…later, thinking about her. (Wow, holy […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Fans and Students, I’ve told you I’ve been thinking and planning and scheming about doing something radical…an entirely “nude-erection” (ha ha) for my products and business…something YOU, my friends and followers, have been after me to do for some time now. You think I’m just toying with you or can you feel […]