Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, When things don’t quite go your way…when you strike out with every woman you meet today (or all week long), when you feel hurt, it is natural to want to protect yourself. It triggers off a “one-two-three-four” thought process… Why did this happen to me? This is ALWAYS going […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, It’s been just three days since I announced our 2011 Speed Seduction® 3-Day Live Seminar schedule to our entire community, and along with numerous registrations, I’ve also received a number of questions. Many of my students seek absolute clarity before making the decision that will propel their girl-getting game, […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, I am honored, excited, pleased, and delighted beyond delight’s sweet delight to introduce the 2011 Speed Seduction® 3-Day Live Seminar World Tour! Here’s your chance to let me, the legendary founder of the seduction community, Ross Jeffries, take you by the hand and guide you to guaranteed, total breakthrough […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students, This video is a clip from an interview I did with a German PUA site. I’ll post a few more over the coming days. Tell me what you think…. rjonapproachanxiety Piece and peace, RJ P.S. My new 3-Day seminar schedule for 2011 is up! I’m coming to LA, Chicago, New York […]