Ross Jeffries™ is the founder, creator and Master Teacher of the worldwide seduction community. Featured as the mentor to Neil Strauss in the best-selling book, “The Game”, RJ has taught, coached, and mentored thousands of men around the world, since 1991, guiding them to the success with women they truly desire and deserve. Speed Seduction® shows you how to succeed with the women you really want, predictably and reliably, without guesswork or games - respecting yourself and the women you enjoy. Forget the copycats and learn from the original – RJ!
Ross Jeffries Articles
Worthlessness, Shame, And Blasting Through To Your Girl-Getting Game

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, A lot of smart guys have various areas of life handled – kick-ass job, success in sports and hobbies, exciting lifestyle, awesome car, nice house – even plenty of hot babes swarming about.  But still, something is lurking. Like you’re not “good enough” for whatever it is you really […]

Transforming A Student: RJ’s Personal Log

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, transformingstudent1 Let me briefly outline how I see this going and what I believe will be most helpful. 1.  First, we need to work on, and you need to commit strongly to working on, changing the emotions and the responses you have when things don’t go 100% your way. I’m going […]

How To Move From Emotional Tampon To Energy-Releasing Tour Guide

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, As a decent, caring person, many smart guys will find themselves wanting to help and support the women they care about. Yet, there’s that balance, between being strong and supportive, versus becoming her therapist, or worse, her emotional tampon.  Let’s say she is going through a really tough time.  […]

The Four “Frames” For Approaching Women

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, When it comes to your girl-getting game, your success begins before you walk out the door in how you prepare yourself and the meaning that you give these things. Watch this short video clip in which I explain different “frames” you can use to approach women: [HTML1] (This is […]