Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, If you’d like to get a free copy of my new book, “Secrets of Speed Seduction® Mastery” plus 20% off the purchase of any item in my catalog, listen up. It’s All Yours With One Simple Catch I’m very eager to begin introducing new recorded courses and new live […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In an area of life that has been deeply challenging, and where you have experienced a self-reinforcing loop of limiting beliefs, ineffective skills, crappy results and limiting beliefs, there is seldom just one shift that needs to be made. My experience with coaching literally thousands of guys over 20 years to […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, Yes, the rumors are true. I do have a new girlfriend. She’s hot. She’s smart. She’s loving. She’s sexy as hell. And she is, of course, Scandinavian. What can I say? I have a thing for those Nordic ladies. Anyway, one thing I plan to do is to talk alot about […]

Dear Seeker of Success, Seems that our post on the failure vibe that stifles a man’s girl-getting game from the inside really hit a nerve. To respond to several of you who wrote with substantially the same question – what to do when it seems like every woman you see is with a man or […]