Dear Seeker of Success, In yesterday’s blog post about the dominant vibe, I explained how in over-reaching in trying to be commanding, many otherwise smart guys come across as desperate supplicators in denial and ironically reveal themselves to be Average Frustrated Chumps (AFC). Today, I want to delve into a very common scenario that makes […]

Dear Seeker of Success, One of the most exhausted (I won’t even say tired – I’ll say dead BEAT) cliches out there is “Nice guys finish last.” A similar one, which really emphasizes the whole idea of beat, is “Nice guys finish in their hand.” As a result, many guys end up blowing it by […]

Dear Seeker of Success, I recently received an e-mail from a student in our Elite Mastermind Program. The challenge he shared speaks to one of the fears that many smart guys have – what if I touch her and she really doesn’t like it? Here’s the situation: He and his female friend were parked in […]

Dear Seeker of Success, These days, every marriage has about a 50% chance of ending in divorce. Oftentimes this because one (or both) of the partners “settled” rather than claiming the results they deserved and getting with the person they really wanted to be with. Another of the leading causes of divorce is infidelity, where […]