Dear Seeker of Success, I’ll tell you a big reason why a lot of guys don’t approach women: fear of embarrassment. Hey, you’re walking up to this chick who you’ve never met before, you know nothing about her, and for all you know, she could be one of those meanies who gets her kicks off […]

Dear Seeker of Success, One of the components of what I call the waiting game (what others call the “dating” game) is this: “dating” is designed by the romance industry to get men to shower women with free stuff – free dinners, free candy, free movie tickets, free dirty weekend in Vegas, etc… Just the […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, A couple days ago, I posted here on the blog about what happens when you aren’t in your “Sarging zone” yet you’re being pushed to Sarge anyway. Let’s look at a different set of factors that might put you out of your Sargy mood because they put you under […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In today’s installment I want to talk about the changes in orientation of thinking that are a big part of showing up attractive. As I said last time, learning to have a good relationship with uncertainty is important, and in a sense, that helps in orienting a person toward having a […]