Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, Ever had it happen where a woman’s “talk” takes giant, behemoth strides… but her “walk” is more like her standing in place? You find that most (if not) all the time, you are the one initiating any kissing or making out or making whoopee or making-what-have you. Not only […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Another aspect of showing up attractive is learning to develop a good relationship to uncertainty, anxiety, and not knowing what the fuck is going to happen. Many guys come to me wanting “confidence” with women. But what they are really saying is they want what I call “performance confidence”. What is […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, I’ve had several students ask me why the following happens: You’ve connected with a woman and brought her to “that place” where she is ready to “go for it.” It started with her giving you a curious “uhhhh, can I help you?” glance when you first approached her, and […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, Today, the movie Going The Distance opens in theaters. For those who haven’t heard, it’s a “romantic comedy” (yet another attempt by the romance industry to turn smart men into Average Frustrated Chumps or AFCs) about a man and a woman who meet, have a “summer fling” and then […]