Dear Speed Seduction® Master-In-Training, Coming to you from Trondheim, Norway. Many of you have asked me for “here’s-how-it’s done” demos of how to use my girl-getting techniques, so here we go. Watch this short clip of me putting the lovely Alexis into trance, using the information and feedback she gave me during the Sarge. Be […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, In past editions of this blog, I’ve delved into how to Sarge when you’re out somewhere without a wingman and you’re trying to “break in” to the circle when everyone else seems to be there with all their friends. Well, here’s a question I’ve been asked several times in […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Master-In-Training, Ever heard the term “woman hater”? It’s the first thing that comes to mind when I relate this story about a student of mine: The problem: he was prone to use terms like bit*h, sl*t, and who*e (without the astericks of course) when talking about (and sometimes TO) women. It’s like […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students, One of the biggest discussions in the “PUA” community is about being “Alpha” or “dominant”. As I’ve said before, when you are seeking answers from “experts” beware of answers that are half true or incomplete. In this video, I go into what it means to be dominant, as contrasted with abusive […]