Ross Jeffries™ is the founder, creator and Master Teacher of the worldwide seduction community. Featured as the mentor to Neil Strauss in the best-selling book, “The Game”, RJ has taught, coached, and mentored thousands of men around the world, since 1991, guiding them to the success with women they truly desire and deserve. Speed Seduction® shows you how to succeed with the women you really want, predictably and reliably, without guesswork or games - respecting yourself and the women you enjoy. Forget the copycats and learn from the original – RJ!
Ross Jeffries Articles
Radar O’Reilly Reaches New Heights With Women!

Dear Speed Seduction® Master-In-Training, Fans of the long-running TV show, M*A*S*H, will remember the exciting girl-getting exploits of camp ladies’ man, Corporal Walter Eugene “Radar” O’Reilly. Yes. Really. Radar. The short, nearsighted, naive, teddy-bear-hugging, comic-book-reading, not-all-that-handsome farmboy from Ottumwa, Iowa. Radar. You think I’m kidding? You think I’ve lost it?  Let’s go through the exhibits, […]

Andy Sipowicz: Nails His Inner Game

Dear Speed Seduction® Master-In-Training, You should check out some reruns of a TV show called ‘NYPD Blue’ For those of you who have not heard of this show (which ran from 1993-2005), the main character was Detective Andy Sipowicz… who, to say the least, was not an AFC in how he did his job. Problem […]

Mel Gibson: Raging, Superstar, AFC Loses It Again

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, For those of you who still believe that money, fame, super-stardom and power are the keys to fulfillment and happiness with women, I present to you Mr. Mel Gibson. If you listen to his latest recorded ranting at his estranged girlfriend, you’ll hear just how badly he loses it and the […]

Interview With Kezia Noble: Deep Connection, Busting Bitch Shields, And The Power Of Relief And Respect

Dear Speed Seduction® Master-In-Training, I can hear the flack I will catch already. “RJ, why in the fuck-tard are you promoting/supporting/endorsing a female “Pick Up Artist”?  Don’t you frequently warn us that women are full of shit, that we should never ask women for advice about women, etc etc etc?” Well, yes. Usually. Almost always. […]