Dear Speed Seduction® Master-In-Training, The dreck that’s pumped out into the mass media by the “romance industry” would have you thinking you have to look like a movie star, sing like a rock star, be chiseled like an Olympic star, and have enough money to take a space shuttle ride to an actual star, to […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Master-In-Training, All human beings experience a fair amount of self-doubt from time to time. Especially when it comes to approaching women. Ever found yourself ten feet away from a chick who was the best looking babe you’d seen all year (or at least all week), there all by herself in the cafe […]

Dear Speed Seduction Master-In-Training, Ever found yourself in a situation where you SWEAR you did everything right with a woman, yet for some reason it seems like the magic “wasn’t there?” If you haven’t found yourself there at least once, then you’re like the salesman who has never been rejected… meaning you’ve never REALLY put […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, In my opinion, most of the “PUA”(Pick Up Artist) companies and instructors are running around trying to be copies of counterfeits of imitations of rip-offs of knock-offs of shams. Contrary to my usual policy, I agreed to be a guest speaker at one of the “Pickup Conferences” that was held recently […]