Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, I have an outrageous claim to make. I believe women’s emotions actually make sense, from their perspective, based on how they generate them. I do not believe women are illogical. I do believe that women are taught to mystify their emotions and that we as men are taught to mystify their […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, Lots of guys want to score with a Cougar. No, I don’t mean the car produced by Mercury, or the huge-ass cat pictured to the right. I mean, be like Finch, who banged Stiffler’s Mom not once, but repeatedly. So if you want to, but haven’t yet, what’s stopping […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, At my recent live 3-day seminar, I did a series of live demonstrations, with female models, on how to apply my girl-getting teachings as pertain specifically to the Sarge. Watch this video clip (just 4:41) to see it in action, now, and then leave a comment to tell me […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, The other day I received this very interesting e-mail from a student of mine. Seems something keeps happening that changes women from being all excited and bothered about him, to suddenly turning colder than salted salmon on a Siberian scooner on the second Sunday in January. Here goes: ================================== […]